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Vision and Aims

The Vision

Our new shared vision across the Skypoint community is: 


We are dedicated to offering a safe, nurturing, inclusive and rights respecting school community. Supporting our pupils in achieving their potential to become confident, successful, globally aware citizens.


Our values at Skypoint school 


The following poem was created by pupils to explain our values


Safe and supported at school

Knowledge is power

Your voice matters

Participation is the key to success

Our school is friendly place

Individuals feel included

No – one goes unnoticed

Teachers are caring


Our Aims

Specifically, Skypoint school aims to:


  • Improve the self-esteem, confidence and happiness of all young people and help them understand the importance of working towards and achieving a positive destination on leaving school.


  • Improve the mental health and wellbeing of all pupils through organised sport and outdoor activities, mental health education and by promoting healthy lifestyles.


  • Encourage pupil participation in all four arenas – Decision-making groups, Opportunities for Personal Achievement, Learning, teaching and assessment and Wider Community.


  • Encourage positive behaviour of all pupils through appropriate role modelling by staff, structure, routine, positive reinforcement and high expectations for learning.


  • Continue to build on the overall achievements of all pupils through the delivery of a broad and individualised curriculum, using a variety of teaching and delivery methodologies including technology and active learning.


  • Maintain and promote links with mainstream schools and partner agencies to encourage and support an effective and suitable transition wherever possible.


  • Work closely with parents, carers and placing authorities to ensure consistent approaches and strategies for young people as part of a wider helping team.


  • Involve parents/carers in the development of IEP’s, curriculum and general life of the school.


  • Encourage and support young people to have tolerant attitudes towards diversity and equality.


  • Work in partnership with relevant agencies such as Social Work, Educational Psychology, CAMHS, drug, alcohol and sexual health services to maximise the support available for our young people.


  • Increase significantly the chances of all young people to enter further or higher education or employment.


  • Ensure continuous improvement of our schools through training, robust evaluation procedures and strong distributed leadership.


  • Recognise and respect children’s rights in all elements of life.


  • Encourage and embed Learning for sustainability (LfS) to enable learners, schools and the wider community to be contributors in a socially-just, sustainable and equitable society.

Implementation of Aims

Skypoint school is committed to providing high quality educational experiences to ensure that all children and young people’s rights are observed to develop the attributes, knowledge and skills they will need to flourish in life, learning and work. To achieve our aims, we offer a flexibility of approach, paying very close attention to the health and wellbeing aspects of the curriculum whilst encouraging the best possible educational outcomes. We have a rigorous quality assurance process to ensure the best possible practice.


Staff track and assess the progress of young people using, experiences and outcomes, benchmarks and progress frameworks at the appropriate level within the CfE. All pupils have an IEP with personalised targets which are monitored, updated and evaluated throughout the school terms. A folio of work called My Learning Journey, holds assessment evidence, photographs, pieces of work and features pupil voice.


Skypoint school also encourages global citizenship and wider achievement of all young people, with pupils participating in a number of well recognised schemes and awards such as Right’s Respecting Schools, Eco schools, the Duke of Edinburgh, ASDAN, John Muir, JASS and Saltire Awards.  Out of school activities, residential trips and after school clubs are encouraged and success is celebrated on a regular basis.

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